Saturday, May 14, 2011


One of the first things you learn on unemployment is how to make sacrifices. When I was working I would come home after a long day, throw my heavy boots in the closet and go to the fridge and grab a cold beer. Back then I was drinking beer that cost nearly twelve dollars for six. I love the micro-brews, the craft brews and the imported stuff. Once I had my beer in hand, I would go to the fridge, get out either some pork chops or a steak and put it in the oven to cook while I took a nice hot shower to wash away the grime of a hard days work.

When I lost my job, the first thing to go was my car. Without the income, I could no longer afford the $365 a month payments. I had to walk everywhere I went. Shortly after the car was gone, I had to change my eating habits. Less steak and more ramen noodles. I had to downgrade the beer from Stella Artois to Miller Lite.

A couple months after my car drove off into the night without me, it was time to give up the apartment. I could no longer afford the $800 a month rent on the $620 every two weeks I was getting from unemployment. I moved in with a friend where the rent was only $400 a month. I had to sacrifice a little privacy, but the savings were worth it. Sure I could no longer invite a girlfriend over to spend the night, but at least I could afford to take her on a date again.

I had to move out of that house about six months ago because my unemployment ran out. I am now living with a relative and going to school. Since I am poor I qualify for financial aid, and after all of my education expenses are covered I can get a refund. When the refund comes in I get to “treat” myself to a six pack of Big Flats beer a pack of Newport’s and a subway sandwich.

When it is written out here, it seems sort of depressing. Really though, it’s not. In some ways it seems my life is now richer. I am free to further my education and pursue the career aspirations I put on the back burner for the job. Thinking about it, I sacrificed more in the way of my dreams while I was working than what I gave up when the income stopped.

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