Saturday, May 14, 2011


When I found myself out of a job, I told myself it would be a matter of weeks before I was back in the money. I totally ignored the economic realities of the Country, and I plunged ahead, activating my accounts on and carrerbuilder. I thought who wouldn't want to hire an eight year veteran of the armed forces who worked in a highly technical field?

I ignored the fact that I now had to compete against people my age who had spent the four years I was in the Marine Corps going to college. Don't get me wrong I do not regret my service at all. In fact if I hadn't gotten injured I would still be there today. The only problem with that is in today's highly competitive job market, I am left with fewer tools in my box compared to my peers.

I don't let that hold me back from trying, since I lost my job I have sent out a few thousand resumes. Sure they don't have the education that my competitors have, but maybe just maybe they will recognize the value of an employee who was leading men in battle while his peers were doing beer bongs in the frat house.

My advice for my fellow labor challenged Americans is to just keep trying. Someday, it will be your turn. Don't ignore a job you think is beneath you. I have applied for McDonalds, housekeeping in a hotel, retail work, and jobs that are closer to my field. What is important right now is to have an income. When the country hits the turnaround and your field is hiring, there will be something then, but until that day comes, don't let your pride get in the way of a paycheck.

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